Research and Best Practice Posters

IMEA is excited to have a variety of research and best practice posters presented during the conference. This is a great opportunity for researchers to present their hard work collecting current information for the betterment of music education. We welcome submissions of unpublished research in music education, reviews of literature, action research, and works in progress from IMEA members and out-of-Indiana researchers. Topics related to music teaching and learning will be considered.


Research, regardless of paradigm (i.e., Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods) that is either completed or in-progress on any topic relating to music teaching and learning will be considered. Research in related areas (e.g., theory or history) will also be considered if a significant connection to teaching and learning processes is evident. In-service teachers conducting action research in their classrooms are encouraged to submit these projects for consideration.

Best Practice submissions should describe programs or practices that are effectively meeting important goals in music education (e.g., instructional strategies, assessment, innovative curriculum design, etc.). Proposals should include a specific justification and/or rationale for the program or practice, and a description of the context in which it has been implemented. 

All submissions should not have been published prior to the conference and must meet the Code of Ethics published in the Journal of Research in Music Education.
If accepted, at least one author must be prepared to present at the poster session and provide 5 copies of the complete paper and 25 copies of the abstract for session attendees. Notification will be through email by December 2024, in time for the selected participants to take advantage of online pre-registration. Poster session participants may register as a conference presenter at half the conference registration fee.



Submissions are not yet open for 2025 conference.


2024 Presenters/Research Projects

Posters featured at the 2024 PD Conference included:

  • ¡Aprendamos juntos! Enabling Hispanic Students in the String Orchestra Classroom - Nabile Galván
  • “Can I Student Teach Here?!”: Preservice Music Teachers’ Field-Observations at a School for the Blind & Visually Impaired - Becky Marsh
  • A Survey of Individual Practicing Requirements in K-12 Instrumental Instruction - Peter Weinert
  • An Introduction: Cultural Humility as an Alternative to Cultural Competence in Music Education - DongHun Kwak
  • Assessing Creativity in the Music Classroom: A Survey of Practices - Julia Weinstein
  • Emergent Model of Reform in Music Education through Disruptive Pedagogies - Dr. Brian Weidner
  • Exploring the Current Landscape of Music Education Research about Latiné Undergraduate Students in U.S. Collegiate Education: A Literature Review - Nabile Galván
  • From the Editor's Desk: Understanding the Publishing Process for Music Education Journals - Craig Resta
  • Journey to the Podium: The Careers and Pathways of Women Collegiate Conductors - Tori Thomas
  • Pre-Performance Rituals - Oksana Komarenko & Gerardo Ramirez
  • Student Perceptions of Choral Teachers with Multiple Musical-Cultural Competencies - Leah Murthy
  • Voices from the Podium: Gendered Experiences of Female Conductors - Laurie Williams

2023 Presenters/Research Projects

Posters featured at the 2023 PD Conference included:

  • A Study of Repertoire for Middle and High School Orchestras - Jenna Small 
  • "Can We Ever Feel that We are Interculturally Competent?" Examining Relational Competence and Context in Cross-Cultural Teaching and Learning Environments - Soyeon Kang 
  • Homeschool Music Discovery - Hannah Hobson
  • Introducing Improvisation: A Guide to Starting Young Band Students on their Jazz Journey - Jonathan Rice 
  • Oppression by Commodification: A Dialogue on Black Music and its Exploitation - Logan Albright
  • Openness, Mindfulness, and Diversity Orientation among Pre-Service Music Educators - Zack Clark
  • Posture and Balance Instruction in the Choral Classroom - Amanda Moreno 
  • Secondary Music Teachers' Attitudes Towards Music Administration in the Secondary Music Classroom - Marissa Guarriello
  • Self-Advocacy and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace for Music Educators with Mild Disabilities: A Research Prospectus - Sean Newman
  • Student Experiences of Undergraduate Music Education Curricula - Dr. Brian Weidner